Next Chapter for Teachers Podcast
Whether it's classroom management or teacher burn out, this podcast has you covered. Being a teacher isn't what it used to be. The need to meet students' educational and social-emotional needs can easily overshadow you're own personal needs as a person outside of the classroom - so much that quitting teaching may feel like the only option for a healthy life. The Next Chapter for Teachers Podcast, hosted by Erin Sponaugle, covers topics in education relevant to teachers that address the stressful issue that can cloud the joy of what teaching is meant to be - while giving teacher helpful strategies to streamline their teaching and deal with conflicts that arise in the classroom and school. Topics covered are classroom management, educational technology, implementing distance learning, trends in instruction and assessment, and self care. Erin Sponaugle is a teacher and author-illustrator with the experience and insight to provide practical advice to other educators. Subscribe to this podcast to get ideas and inspiration for teaching in uncertain times. For more information on turning the page to the future of the teaching profession. , visit www.erinsponaugle.com
Next Chapter for Teachers Podcast
10. Grant Writing Tips for Teachers, Part 1
Are you a teacher looking ways to fund resources and projects for your classroom, without having it come out of your paycheck? Writing grants is a skill that will help you provide projects for impactful learning experiences - as well as meet the basic learning needs of your students. In this episode, you'll learn six grant writing tips for creating proposals that get funded and develop school business partnerships.
Click here to make a Donor Choose account and here to see more grants on GetEdFunding.
Want to read the blog posts that go along with these episode? Click here for tips 1-3 and here for tips 4-6.
Looking for encouragement and teaching strategies to start out your week? Then you should get the Monday Message!
Get your free ebook on beginning a teaching career, The Thrive Guide, here!
Listen to more episode and read my blog at erinsponaugle.com
To download your FREE checklist The Great 88: Rules, Routines, and Expectations to Go Over and Over, click here and feel confident establishing your classroom management in the new school year.
For more resources on classroom management, time management, and preserving your mental well-being so you can avoid teacher burn out, visit www.erinsponaugle.com.
You can find more classroom resources for your upper elementary classroom by visit Next Chapter Press on Teachers Pay Teachers.
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